Ballet Shoes

Ballet Shoes

Olivier Theatre (National Theatre)

4.8/5 baseret på 4 anmeldelser (Anmeldelser)
  • Bestilling til: lørdag 22 februar 2025
  • Spilletid: 2hr 40min. Incl. 1 Interval
Familier (100%) Par (100%) Teatergængere (100%) i
Ballet Shoes Ballet Shoes Ballet Shoes
Beskrivelse af Ballet Shoes

In a crumbling house full of dinosaur bones and fossils, three adopted sisters are learning who they are and what they want to be.

But in a world that wasn’t built for women with big ambitions, can they forge a future, keep their family together, and even learn a dance or two along the way?

Adresse til Olivier Theatre (National Theatre)

South Bank, London, SE1 9PX GB (Mere info)

Olivier Theatre (National Theatre) Ruteanvisning


Alder 7+.

Vigtig information

Bemærk venligst, at denne produktion indeholder temaer om adoption og død.

South Bank, London, SE1 9PX GB Ballet Shoes Cast
South Bank, London, SE1 9PX GB Ballet Shoes Cast
South Bank, London, SE1 9PX GB Ballet Shoes Cast
South Bank, London, SE1 9PX GB Ballet Shoes Cast
South Bank, London, SE1 9PX GB Ballet Shoes Cast
South Bank, London, SE1 9PX GB Ballet Shoes Cast
South Bank, London, SE1 9PX GB Ballet Shoes Cast