Witness for the Prosecution by Agatha Christie

Witness for the Prosecution by Agatha Christie

London County Hall

4.7/5 baseret på 213 anmeldelser (Anmeldelser)
  • Bestilling til: lørdag 27 september 2025
  • Spilletid: 2hr 20min. Incl. 1 interval.
Par (91%) Teatergængere (96%) i
Witness for the Prosecution by Agatha Christie Witness for the Prosecution by Agatha Christie Witness for the Prosecution by Agatha Christie Witness for the Prosecution by Agatha Christie Witness for the Prosecution by Agatha Christie
Beskrivelse af Witness for the Prosecution by Agatha Christie
Nu på sit sjette år har Witness for the Prosecution fanget tusinder af fantasi; betaget af sagen om Leonard Vole. Anklaget for at have myrdet en enke for at arve hendes rigdom, vil Leonard overleve det chokerende vidneudsagn? Vil han være i stand til at overbevise juryen og dig om sin uskyld og undslippe bødlens løkke?
Adresse til London County Hall

Belvedere Road, London, SE1 7PB GB (Mere info)

London County Hall Ruteanvisning


Alder 10+. Forældrevejledning anbefales. Babyer i våben er ikke tilladt.

Vigtig information

Showet indeholder reference til at hænge og nogle karakterer ryger på scenen.

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Belvedere Road, London, SE1 7PB GB Witness for the Prosecution by Agatha Christie Cast
Belvedere Road, London, SE1 7PB GB Witness for the Prosecution by Agatha Christie Cast
Belvedere Road, London, SE1 7PB GB Witness for the Prosecution by Agatha Christie Cast
Belvedere Road, London, SE1 7PB GB Witness for the Prosecution by Agatha Christie Cast
Belvedere Road, London, SE1 7PB GB Witness for the Prosecution by Agatha Christie Cast
Belvedere Road, London, SE1 7PB GB Witness for the Prosecution by Agatha Christie Cast
Belvedere Road, London, SE1 7PB GB Witness for the Prosecution by Agatha Christie Cast
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